A thin line between sucsess and failure…..

Throughout May I concentrated a lot of my efforts on fishing a specific mark with specific tides. Within this time I had 5 large Bass( 7lb plus) hit and miss my surface lures. The first fish hit the frosty twice and then it was fight on, initially running straight at me ( something I have encountered before with decent fish ) then off on runs, don’t loose it kept ringing around my head !! and then the line went slack !, one of the trebles had snapped !!…so Bass 1 Joel 0.

The second,third and fourth fish either smashed the lure or rolled it , but no solid hook up. But the fifth fish was my chance to redeem the one that got away. As I was finishing the retrieve on a asture 110 I had a good fish hit and hit it hard, no messing about, this fish was on and the fight was on .All I needed was the hooks to hold. Splashes of the tail and runs back and forth the battle was all close in, my main concern was making sure the leader didn’t rub on its gill plate.At last she was in the net, a beautifull 71 cm fish and a sense of relief for finally catching one ! Bass 4 Joel 1 !!..

The water temperature has finally started to rise ( 13 degrees ). Before heading off to Spain with my family for a week I had a super quick session, which resulted in a lovely 66 cm fish caught fishing a 4 inch tt shad rigged weedless along the edge of a reef. A nice slow retrieve, pause, retrieve,pause, bang !!..

Sometimes it all seems simple, but there is always that thin line between sucsess and failure that keeps you coming back for more…